July 2012 Update

This month, there seems to be a lot of things moving along and being completed on the list.

2. Get a pedicure- 5 times (7/27)- Maybe I should change this to 5/year, since I’ve gone 54 times already.

3. Get acupuncture– 7/30/12– Very interesting sensation, but I won’t be able to continue treatment due to my job requirements.

9. Go to a concert- 5/12/12-I completely forgot about listing this in my May Update. We went to the Fresh Beat Band Concert.

26. Go on a picnic- 7/11/12– The local pool had a “Staycation” event where it stayed open until 8pm. We ended up staing until 7:30. 

28. Go to a theme park- 7/22/12– We went to Pirate’s Cove (a local water park) with a couple that we have known for years. Very fun with the kids.

32. Visit 6 different museums- Samuel and I went to the Children’s Museum together and partook of their “Just Add Water” feature. We might go again this weekend.

33. Take Sam to the park at least twice a month during nice weather– This month, we went to the dog park a few times and went to a playground in Longmont. He had a blast!

36. Go out with friends 10 times (7/5/12, 7/27/12)– On the 7th, me and Sam went bowling at Boondocks with Dana and Zach. On the 27th, We went out to a Smithereens concert in Lousiville with a couple that we know.

46. Shop for fruits and veggies at our local farmer’s market once a month during the summers– I signed up with a CSA with Miller Farms. That means, for $300, I get to go to the farmers market (weekly) and pick out a bushel of whatever fruits and veggies that I want. (Yummy!!) We have completely expanded our variety of food that we are eating. And, surprisingly, I’ve gotten Samuel to eat and like zucchini and red peppers. I’m so psyched.

54. Have Brian build craft area for sewing and scrapbooking (7/26/12)– It wasn’t actually Brian that built it, but we now have a desk area made out of a laminate top and our old kitchen cabinets. I can’t wait to start crafting away.

I’m pretty proud of where I am in the list. See you next month.

June 2012 Update

Here were some big things that we did in June.

33.Take Sam to the park at least twice a month during nice weather

I took Sam to the playground one Sunday before his OT class, several times to the dog park and I’m definitely counting taking Sam to City Pool as going to the “park.”

36. Go Out With Friends 10 Times

We’ve known Dana, Tommy and Zach for years (since Data was pregnant), but now that we moved up north, we are making more of an effort to become better friends with them. On June 9th we had dinner at California Pizza Kitchen and attended the Boulder Twenty Ninth Street Live Concert Series. The boys were running around, chasing each other, playing with a hula hoop and having a blast while the grown-ups were talking. It was a good time.

42. Get Down to 170 Pounds

43. Run a Marathon

Since these two go together, I’m going to talk about them together.

I haven’t weighed myself, but since I’ve start back running, my clothes fit better and I definitely feel better.

I signed up with a new running group, Runner’s Edge of the Rockies and it’s really nice to run with a group again (even though my pace has me running “alone.”)

46. Shop for fruits and veggies at our local farmer’s market once a month during the summers

I signed up as a CSA with a local grower and I’m able to go to any of their farmer’s markets and take a half-share (a bushel) of their produce (any combination of what’s available) once a week for 20 weeks. So far, I’ve been able to take home huge carrots, cucumbers, squash, zucchini, watermelon, cantaloupe, lettuce, red and green peppers and tons of tomatoes. The quality is amazing and a half-share is more than enough for our family of three.

71. Go camping 6 times

We took our first camping trip of the year the weekend of the 22nd. Brian took off Thursday to get everything ready for the RV and I took off Friday, so that we could leave on Thursday night.

One of my friends calls it “Glamping” since we aren’t roughing it at all.

No matter what you call it, we had fun and were able to escape the 100+ degree heat in Denver.

What a great month.

May 2012 Update

We have taken most of the month determining what we want to do with our kitchen, so there haven’t been many activites that have been worked on for my new list. Here is some of my progress.

2. Get a pedicure- 5 times (First 3/30, 5/26)

8. Get a new job- Applying for a lot of jobs

10. Try at least 10 new wines/year

        3. The Little Penguin Shiraz- too spicy, not a fan

37. Entertain friends at our house five times (5/5)

Chrissy, Tyson and Kylie came over to celebrate Cinco de Mayo with some margaritas and tequila lime chicken.

Today is the first day of June. Now that the weather is definitely nicer, we are going to be crossing off and working on a lot more outdoor activities on your list.

By the way, Sam started his new swim class and he is the only boy (and he loves it). It’s the first time that he doesn’t have one of us in the pool with him.


We also went to a baseball game in May and had a blast. Too bad the Rockies lost.Image

April 2012 Update

Since the move, we have actually been able to complete an item and started working on others.

55. Complete Command Center in Kitchen- Brian ordered system from Pottery Barn – 4/8

25. Update family blog once a month (completed continuously)

43. Run a full marathon

  • I decided to train for the Disney Marathon in Jan 2013
  • This will also allow us to visit my grandfather in Naples, FL.

58. Clean and organize pantry quarterly (April- completed during our move)

Keep checking in to see what we completed in May.

March Update

The following were completed during the month of March. I’m so excited.

38. Pay off more debt (Completely debt free 3/21)

39. Get a safe deposit box (Purchased 3/30)

40.Max out Roth IRA at least 1 year (Completed- 2011- 2/29; 2012- 3/21)

64. Visit my father outside of a holiday (March 15-20)

Here are some items that I have started to complete

2. Get a Pedicure- 5 times (First 3/30)

11. Try at least 10 new wines- 2 Down- HobNob Pinot Noir and Francis Ford Coppola Pinot noir

33. Take Sam to the park at least twice a month during nice weather- We have had an unseasonably nice weather in March, so we were able to go to the park 3 times.

We also have some more items that need to be removed from the list due to us purchasing a new home.

51. Have Brian build a patio- we will only need to have railings built by Brian or a professional

I hope that we have a very productive April

February Update

We put our house on the market, and within 36 hours, it was sold. Our house is now under contract and we only have 6 weeks to find, purchase and move into a new house on the other side of town.

In the meantime, I have been able to complete some items and deemed others as Not Applicable since we are moving. This doesn’t mean that they won’t be able to be done at our new house. It just means that they won’t be completed in our current residence.

Here are the updated items (In Process- BOLD, Completed- Strike, or now Not Applicable)

  • Get a massage- 5 times (First- 2/6)
  • Update family blog once a month – Check it out HERE
  • Complete at least 1 art project with Sam each month
  • Pay off more debt (sent check 2/24)
  • Install double sink in upstairs bathroom- N/A in current house
  • Paint family room- N/A in current house
  • Organize master bedroom closet (Completed during our purge to get house on the market)
  • Organize coat closet (Completed during our purge to get house on the market)
  • Organize garage and have Brian build shelves- N/A in current house

I might be able to add the N/A items back into the list after we move, but that depends on the look of the new house and what needs to be done.

Changes Needed


Now that we have decided to sell our house and move to the other side of town, there are some items that are no longer going to be applicable to this version of my 101 Things in 1,001 Days. They are items 50-56 and 58-61.

    • Have Brian build basement shelves
    • Have Brian build a patio
    • Install double sink in upstairs bathroom
    • Clean out basement- Purge items & Build shelves
    • Have Brian build craft area for sewing and scrapbooking
    • Complete Command Center in Kitchen
    • Paint family room
    • Clean and organize pantry quarterly
    • Organize master bedroom closet
    • Organize coat closet
    • Organize garage and have Brian build shelves

While we are claning out the house for showings, some of these things will occur (and I will document them), but they won’t be permanent changes. Also, in the new house, some of these thing may also occure, but I’ll let you know once we sell our current house and purchase a new one.

I was able to complete #57 (Organize DVDs and put away those that are too old for Sam), so that’s crossed of the list.

Mid-January Update

It’s only January 10th and I already have an item that is complete and I’m working on several others. Som of the items in this list were stacked (since I knew that they would happen anyway). I know that’s cheating, but there are some good things on it.

When things are completed, they will be crossed out.
When things are in process, they will be BOLDED.

1 Complete / 6 In Process

31. Go to a Broncos regular season game– We attended the January 1, 2012 Broncos/Kansas City Chiefs Game. Too bad the Broncos lost.








25. Update family blog once a month Click on the link to go to the blog.

40. Make a will  I have spoken to an attorney that is working on this and it will be completed (hopefully) later this quarter.

53. Clean out basement Purge items & Build shelves This has been an ongoing project throughout 2011, but this year, it will be completed.

55. Complete Command Center in Kitchen  This is my project this weekend. I’ll post a before and after picture when it’s completed.

57. Organize DVDs and put away those that are too old for Sam  I took a lot of the DVDs out of their original containers and put them in a container that can hold 200 DVDs in sleeves. This really has opened up a lot of drawer space in our entertainment center. I will probably put some of Sam’s larger toys in there as the draw space becomes available.

58. Clean and organize pantry quarterly Click on the link for the full story. Here is the after photo from this quarter. Please click on the link for the entire story (including before pictures). Hopefully there is only minimal maintenance throughout the year.









Stay tuned to see if I make it this year.

January 1, 2012– September 28, 2014

The Mission: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1,001 days.

The Criteria:

Tasks must be specific (i.e. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (i.e. represent some amount of work on my part).

 Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past – frequently simple goals such as New Year’s resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities. 

Some common goal setting tips:

• Be decisive. Know exactly what you want, why you want it, and how you plan to achieve it.
• Stay Focused. Any goal requires sustained focus from beginning to end. Constantly evaluate your progress.
• Welcome Failure. Frequently, very little is learned from a venture that did not experience failure in some form. Failure presents the opportunity to learn and makes the success more worthy.
• Write down your goals. It clarifies your thinking and reinforces your commitment.
• Keep your goals in sight. Review them frequently, and ensure that they are always at the forefront of your thinking.

When things are completed, they will be crossed out.
When things are in process, they will be BOLDED.


  1. Get a massage- 5 times
  2. Get a pedicure- 5 times
  3. Get acupuncture
  4. Win a photography contest with a cash prize
  5. Take a Photoshop class
  6. Buy and drink an expensive bottle of wine (> $100)
  7. Get another tattoo (if #42 is completed)
  8. Get a new job


  1. Go to a concert
  2. Have 2 no TV weekends
  3. Try at least 10 new wines
  4. Take a cooking class.
  5. Attend a dinner theater
  6. Make a Christmas tree ornament
  7. Make Christmas cookies from scratch for Brian and Sam
  8. Make Christmas cards
  9. Plant a tree
  10. Drive a convertible with the top down


  1. Sew blackout curtains for Sam’s room
  2. Sew child blanket that I’ve had for years
  3. Make Sam Christmas jammies one year
  4. Complete at least 1 art project with Sam each month


  1. Fly a kite
  2. Produce at least one scrapbook page of our family once a month
  3. Update family blog once a month
  4. Go on a picnic.
  5. Go GeoCaching
  6. Go to a theme park
  7. Go horseback riding
  8. Go to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo (Colorado Springs)
  9. Go to a Broncos regular season game
  10. Visit 6 different museums
  11. Take Sam to the park at least twice a month during nice weather
  12. Get a family portrait done each year


  1. Make 5 new friends
  2. Go out with friends 10 times
  3. Entertain friends at our house five times


  1. Pay off more debt
  2. Get a safety deposit box
  3. Make a will
  4. Max out Roth IRA at least 1 year


  1. Get down to 170 pounds
  2. Run a full marathon
  3. Snowboard at least three times
  4. Take a self-defense course

 Healthy Mind & Body

  1. Shop for fruits and veggies at our local farmer’s market once a month during the summers
  2. Floss every day for a month
  3. Volunteer once a week for three months
  4. Donate blood twice

 Organization/ House

  1. Have Brian build basement shelves
  2. Have Brian build a patio
  3. Install double sink in upstairs bathroom
  4. Clean out basement- Purge items & Build shelves
  5. Have Brian build craft area for sewing and scrapbooking
  6. Complete Command Center in Kitchen
  7. Paint family room
  8. Organize DVDs and put away those that are too old for Sam
  9. Clean and organize pantry quarterly
  10. Organize master bedroom closet
  11. Organize coat closet
  12. Organize garage and have Brian build shelves


  1. Get back to OH for a visit
  2. Visit my sister in Philadelphia
  3. Visit my father outside of a holiday
  4. Ride the Durango/Silverton train
  5. Go rafting
  6. Visit one state I’ve never been to (AK, AL, IA, MS, ND, VT, WI)
  7. Renew my passport with my married name
  8. Take Brian and Sam to NYC
  9. Go away for one of our wedding anniversaries
  10. Go camping 6 times
  11. Road trip to just take pictures
  12. Visit 8 State Parks or Forests

Watch American Film Institute Movies

  1. Lawrence of Arabia- AFI Rank 5
  2. The African Queen- AFI Rank 17
  3. Chinatown- AFI Rank 19
  4. High Noon- AFI Rank 33
  5. Doctor Zhivago- AFI Rank 39
  6. The Birth of a Nation- AFI Rank 44
  7. A Clockwork Orange- AFI Rank 46
  8. Amadeus- AFI Rank 53
  9. All Quiet on the Western Front- AFI Rank 54
  10. The Third Man- AFI Rank 57
  11. Stagecoach- AFI Rank 63
  12. An American in Paris- AFI Rank 68
  13. Shane- AFI Rank 69
  14. Wuthering Heights- AFI Rank 73
  15. The Gold Rush- AFI Rank 74
  16. City Lights- AFI Rank 76
  17. The Wild Bunch- AFI Rank 80
  18. Modern Times- AFI Rank 81
  19. Mutiny on the Bounty- AFI Rank 86
  20. Frankenstein- AFI Rank 87
  21. The Jazz Singer- AFI Rank 90
  22. My Fair Lady- AFI Rank 91
  23. The Searchers- AFI Rank 96


  1. Complete scrapbook of advice cards from wedding
  2. Complete scrapbook of all wedding activities


  1. Donate $2.00 to charity for each task that isn’t completed (charity to be determined and updated at a later time)
  2. As I complete each task, write about my accomplishments, set-backs, experiences, etc.
  3. Make a new list of 101 Things to Do by the time my 1001 days are done